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Spotlight on the Single Malt Whiskies of British Columbia
Although Canadian distilleries are best known for rye whiskies, and ‘rye whiskies’ that can contain precious little of that grain, a new generation of craft distillers are embracing the production of single malt. The results so far are not just impressive, they also bode very well for the future!

Finding Mexican Craft in the Riviera Maya
In the almost twelve years since I first visited Mexico in search of great beer, the country’s craft beer scene has blossomed into one of the most exciting and dynamic in the world! And thanks to an expat Argentinian restaurateur, it’s possible to get a taste even in such tourism-heavy destinations as the Riviera Maya.

Godspeed Brewery
When Luc Lafontaine chose to open his Godspeed Brewery in Toronto in July of 2017, expectations among the city’s beer cognoscenti were high, although as it turned out, for all the wrong reasons.

Spotlight on Rhum Agricole A.O.C.
As near as anyone can figure, rum was born sometime, somewhere in the early to mid-seventeenth century. Barbados lays claim to its invention, and no one to date has found concrete reason to dispute the notion, but it is possible that the first rum was instead produced in Hispaniola or Cuba, or perhaps Brazil.